Featured Courses

See our most popular courses below  

Alignment 6 Week Program


  • Mindset
  • Stress and Time Management
  • Nutrition and Supplementation
  • Connection to Self and Soul

Activate Monthly Membership


  • Holistic Self-Activation
  • Authentic Self-Discovery
  • Energetic Alignment and Manifestation
  • Community and Support

Hypnobirthing Australia - Positive Birth Program


  • Creating & Maintaining a positive Mindset
  • Toolkit for Birth
  • Preparation & choices for empowered birthing
  • Birth - bringing it all together

"Hypnobirthing is as much a philosophy of birthing as it is techniques.
When a mother and her birth partner are able to approach their birth without fear and with knowledge, good support and tools for the birth - then their birthing can be a positive and empowering experience."

- Melissa Spilstead

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The point of my work is to support you and in particular to reduce your overwhelm. I want these programs to work by encouraging you to MAKE time for yourself for your own well-being. The old saying - "You can't give from an empty cup". Through learning to make yourself a priority you will naturally become better for your loved ones around you. You decide the amount of time that works best for your lifestyle.

For Alignment - you will have LIFETIME access to all of the course content. I believe these are the foundational basics we all should be living with. If in the future you sway from these methods, I want you to be able to bring yourself back. For Activate - you will have access for as long as you are a Financial Member.

No. Plain and simple. I believe the resources you have access to are invaluable. I have spent a lot of time, effort and energy creating these to be as streamlined as possible. Because you have access to all of the content as soon as you purchase - there will be no refund for a change of mind. I KNOW this will help transform your life. As long as you put in the required effort. 

  "Lisa is the perfect vehicle to provide these services. She is clean, fresh, professional, intuitive and kind. She works from a place with her Client's best interests at heart with no hard sell. She is a very good listener, non-judgemental and solutions focused. I love it that Lisa comes from a Medical Background and with that comes a grounded and reasoned approach to her healing methods."


I empower and support YOU to reclaim your life.

Too often we find ourselves living life out of balance and even more sadly out of alignment. Giving to everyone and everything around us - but neglecting ourselves and what lights us up in the process. Learning deeply, who you are and what you are here to do, opens up a WHOLE new World of adventure.

I work on a Holistic Level, ensuring the whole being is balanced. Mind, Body and Soul. Are you ready to welcome in your best life? Change begins with you!

Are you ready to live your BEST life?

Change Begins with YOU!

If you need help getting started. I am ready to help you.