Are you ready to take action and build the life you deserve?

No more sitting on that Hamster Wheel to nowhere.... It is time you take the wheel and follow your heart, steering your life to where you want it to be. You deserve to live to your highest potential. With that comes a true balance for your Mind, Body and Soul. The more you know who YOU are, the more you can start to do what lights you up.

"It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection."
The Bhagavad Gita


It's time to start doing the thing you've always wanted to do.

I get it! I spent 20 years in a profession I enjoyed, I made a difference, I was good at what I did. BUT, I wasn't happy. I felt like there was something missing... I also felt guilty for feeling that way since I have SO much to be grateful for. It wasn't until I started on my own Personal Development path that I realised just how good life CAN be!! I want you to learn the same.

Here's how we can do this...


Book a FREE consultation call so we can work out where you are now and a plan to follow to get you where you want to be. 


Continue working one-on-one or through my group programs depending on your needs and current level of growth


Continually grow and expand. Knowing that once you start, you will find so much motivation to continue the journey. 

  "Lisa is the perfect vehicle to provide these services. She is clean, fresh, professional, intuitive and kind. She works from a place with her Client's best interests at heart with no hard sell. She is a very good listener, non-judgemental and solutions focused. I love it that Lisa comes from a Medical Background and with that comes a grounded and reasoned approach to her healing methods."

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I offer a range of different services so depending on what you would like to achieve we can discuss what would suit best. I offer a FREE 10 minute consultation so we can work through your needs and decide from there. 

Absolutely! I offer a range of one-to-one services and also all of my group programs can be done at your own convenience in the comfort of your home. The option for group programs are there because when we find ourselves in connection with others who are on the same path, we realise how amazing it is to be able to speak and be completely authentic. Embracing TRUE connection. 

Head to my scheduling page for a list of services and access to my Booking calendar. I am flexible with times and bookings can be made on application outside of the times listed. Get in touch to organise a suitable time. 

Follow the links through the Course page information for each course and you will be taken through to more information. If you have any trouble - just email me : or call 0400 481 217 and I can help you.