The FIVE important components you must have if you REALLY want to Heal

We all know we want to live the best life we can. But unless you makes these steps a priority and follow through - healing will escape you. Read along

Welcome to my first ever blog post :) 

This is something I have been called to do for a long time, however hadn't made the time (or understood how to use the resources) to actually sit and make it happen. 

Writing is something that comes easily to me. Particularly when it is something I am interested in and when the words just flow out of me. I love being in the state where I am not actually thinking - just free writing. 

My Niece told me a week ago that I should start a blog.... I told her it was something I have always wanted to do. The "New Lisa" is following those intuitive hits and taking ACTION on them. Through action, momentum forms and that flow state continues. 

I took the kids to Wagga Today to go Ice-skating. I am loving the fact that I have created my life around them and we all get to enjoy the Holidays together doing special things and creating wonderful memories. 

Because it's a 1.5hour drive away, I make the most of the time and listen to an audiobook. Whether the kids directly listen or not doesn't worry me as I know that their subconscious is being filled with the inspiration from my books anyway ;)

Today's book was one I was half way through and it really struck a chord with me as something I see so often. I can see it because I HAVE done the work in healing myself. Obviously there is always more work to be done (that is what we are here experiencing this life for), but the FEELING in my body these days, and how I can readily activate it if it is feeling a little sluggish truly makes me want to help everyone experience the same! 

We all want to live the best life we can. We all want to heal from our traumas and live every day feeling complete and full of vitality. 

What I often see though, and the more experience I am getting the more I can call it out...... I want to heal.... BUT.... 

This person has done this to me, I have always been like this..... I have this certain illness...... Nothing ever goes my way...... I am a victim........ 

Unless you are actually READY to heal - you won't put in ALL of the effort that is required. Let me tell you - it can be confronting. And one of the biggest realisations for me was that I (and only I) am responsible for everything! How you CHOOSE to react and respond determines so much. 

Learning to let go - of the guilt, the limiting beliefs, detaching from the ego..... All significant and very challenging things to do! The reward though!!! Far out! I am feeling SO good now about where I am and where I am headed. I truly want to share this with you too so you can feel just as good and start to drive your own life in the same way!

So, as the title suggests..... There are five key components to work through in order to access your own healing. They might sound very simple (and in reality they are!) but unless you work through each, you won't be able to completely heal. 

As this post is already getting a little long-winded, we'll break them down and I will just start with the first. 

Drum roll......

1. Willingness

You must be WILLING. Plain and simple. This sounds super easy and of course some will think well of course I want to heal. BUT, are you? Are you willing to look into your diet and if necessary change it. Are you willing to look into the different relationships you have, willing to let go of certain aspects in your life that aren't in your highest good? 

There are so many factors here. Basically - unless you are willing... you won't get anywhere. You could see the most distinguished guru in all of the land and still not get anywhere. Because it is no secret - you hold the key. 

Unless you are willing to change, to learn and to grow - you may as well stay just as you are! 

So, I hope you have found that useful. If you liked this one I'd love to hear your feedback. Stay tuned for the next post where I will share the second important key!

Lisa x